Tuesday, September 8, 2009

He Got Game

After a suggestion by my friend Smitims, and no that isn't his real name, I thought instead of just giving you recent releases I should try to cover as much material as possible. Seeing as I'm not so much a reference to the films people have seen or can see as to the films they can't. So I thought I would start off this new trend with one of my favourite all-time films, if not my favourite, He Got Game.
He Got Game is a drama concerning basketball and more importantly the relationship between one man and his son. Denzel Washington stars as a con released from prison with orders from the warden to ask his son, a basketball prodigy (Ray Allen), to play for the warden's favourite team. I'm not here to IMDB this mofo however, I'm here to tell you what is and what isn't.
This film is the BOMB. I'm talking if One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the bomb, this is Hiroshima. If you like basketball, even remotely, the overwhelming emotions paired with beautiful cinematography will get to you (it is a Spike Lee joint after all).
I love this film because of the themes of growing up, the issues in a son-father relationship, responsibility and the moral fiber which runs through a man. It's got bitches, it's got b-ball, it's got a soundtrack by A Tribe Called Quest, but most of all it's got Denzel delivering an awesome speech at the end along the lines of:
"Aight, you hate me boy, you go ahead and hate me. But you get that anger out yo heart. Because if you don't... You gon end up just anu'a ni**er" Phenomenal. Nuff said. Watch it.
Verdict: 98%

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