Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thelma and Louise

You know, I don't know what Ridley Scott was thinking when he made this garbage film. I don't know if his girl was having a stroppy and he thought he needed to make this bollocks to get the poontang back or whether he just bitched out for 9 months of his life, wondering if he should venture over to the dark side but either way, this film is some women-empowered gay-ass shit.
I don't know if it's the Geena Davis's 'Rape me' face or the fact these two bitches need to get put in the banger from the start... Yeah so one of them gets raped, big deal. We all know getting raped is tough. Doesn't mean you have to go on some crazy rampage across the US costing taxpayers money now does it? I understand killing the rapist. Shit I understand the 'shagging Brad Pitt in a motel just cuz I can' decision. I also understand his leaving your skank-ass in the motel having robbed your money cause you're a skank ass ho that deserves no better. What I don't understand however, is this whole we're gonna drive off a cliff and somehow make it sound like we've won just because we've cut the film at the point where the car hasn't started tipping to the ominous doom lurking below.
I suggest they recut that movie...
...with the car scene being shown till the end. That way women the world over can see their mangled nasty independent women idiot asses lying in a pile of twisted metal, with a gearstick through one thigh and the knickers on the dashboard. Then maybe we can ask them and Ridley if this garbage was even worth making.
Plot if you don't know: Couple of slags get vexed cuz one of them gets raped. So after killing one guy they think "Oh Fu*k it. Why don't we just kill everything with a Y chromosome"
Women love it because of the ''message''. Men hate it because it's crap. Frankly there's more of a message in Die Hard. In the title.
Verdict: 15%
...and that's only because the acting's good. The two of them look a right couple of slags, but they're believable slags nonetheless...

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