Sunday, September 13, 2009

Life according to Garp

Aight, now first off. I'm not one for weird ass films about aspiring writers, mute women and trannies, but the film had Robin Williams in it so I thought what the heck... This could be a good flick... and it was!
Quick plot: Weird mum gives birth to a weird kid. Weird kid grows up and wants to become a writer. Some women's liberation BS is happening at the same time and bla bla bla drama crap.
If you have no patience... i.e if you have the attention span of my dear friend smitims, then don't watch this you'll fall asleep...
However, if you're down with weird emotional dramas and don't mind seeing Robin befriend a trannie and alienate a colony of self-mutilating tongue -cutting lezzers, then by all means watch this film. (I've really painted a weird picture here haven't I?)
At the time, this film was clearly making some political statement and is still interesting today. But as I said, you have to bear with it...
Verdict: 81%

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